Sunday 3 June 2012

And finally makeup of today.............

Makeup has come so far from the 1900's, a time when Queen Victoria publicly declared makeup improper, vulgar (tsk tsk!) and acceptable only for use by actors and when ingredients were almost deadly.

I'm proud to say times have changed and makeup is not only used to assist us in exploring our creative side but to also make us feel that little bit more beautiful.

Makeup trends are now taken from our history and modernised to fit in with our culture and society. A definite favourite of the decade is the use of bronzer and our mission to perfect the correct application. Loads of mascara and lashes infiltrated the beauty world as did glossy lips (I think I just described Kim Kardashian - really!).

The exciting thing about our era is that there are no boundaries and we are able to express ourselves through our individual taste and preferences. Below are images from my personal folio that represents MY era!!